Zambia Nsefu - Sunsets

  • Sunset, Lions began to move
  • The sun is closing the day
  • Romantic Lions
  • Peaceful Lions at sunset
  • Thornicroft’s Giraffe…
  • only found in South Luangwa
  • Everything looks different…
  • after sunset drink…
  • when the earth is on fire…
  • Luangwa River is adorned…
  • with copper and gold colors
  • according to the moment
  • Sunsets in South Luangwa…
  • are among the best in Africa
  • …& perhaps in the world
  • it’s a fantastic show
  • at once common but…
  • always surprising!
  • Nature is unpredictable
  • Each time, we stop…
  • looking at the fabulous sky…
  • but we are never bored!
  • After the sun, the moon…
  • reigns over the night