Zambia South Luangwa-Wild Dogs

  • African Wild Dog, also called Cape Hunting Dog or African Painted Dog
  • African Wild Dogs, also called Cape Hunting Dogs or African Painted Dogs
  • African Wild Dogs
  • Pack of Wild Dogs – training – before hunting, the African Wild Dogs will begin by stretching their muscles and grooming.
  • Pack of Wild Dogs – training – before hunting, the African Wild Dogs will begin by stretching their muscles and grooming.
  • African Wild Dog – female
  • African Wild Dog or African Painted Dog
  • Hooded Vultures follow the Wild Dogs for consuming their faeces (coprophagy)
  • Hooded Vultures follow the Wild Dogs for consoming their faeces (coprophagy)
  • African Wild Dog or African Painted Dog with tracking collar
  • African Wild Dogs – males
  • African Wild Dog Puppy – 2 months old
  • African Wild Dogs and the South Luangwa River
  • African Wild Dogs and the South Luangwa River
  • African Wild Dog Puppies – 2 months old
  • African Wild Dogs – let’s go hunting
  • African Wild Dogs – let’s go hunting
  • African Wild Dogs hunting a baby Puku
  • African Wild Dogs can kill and eat a Puku in about 10 minutes.
  • African Wild Dog covered in blood after a kill
  • African Wild Dog covered in blood after a kill
  • African Wild Dog covered in blood after a kill
  • Alpha female Wild Dog with 2 puppies, same age but one is not healthy
  • African Wild Dogs, 2 puppies, same age but one is not healthy